ashtanga YOGA


January 2023

Jan 3 • TUESDAY • 5:30-7:30pm • Mysore Style Session
Jan 5 • THURSDAY • 5:30-7:30pm • Guided Primary Series
Jan 10 • TUESDAY • 5:30-7:30pm • Mysore Style Session
Jan 12 • THURSDAY • 5:30-7:30pm • Guided Primary Series
Jan 17 • TUESDAY • 5:30-7:30pm • Mysore Style Session
Jan 19 • THURSDAY • 5:30-7:30pm • Guided Primary Series
Jan 24 • TUESDAY • 5:30-7:30pm • Mysore Style Session
Jan 26 • THURSDAY • 5:30-7:30pm • Guided Primary Series
Jan 31 • TUESDAY • 5:30-7:30pm • Mysore Style Session

* All levels welcome. Bring your own mat + layers for savasana.

* The date and time for the monthly Philosophy Chat (meditation, conversation and contemplation) will be announced soon.


304 South Lena Street, Ridgway, CO 81432

Due to renovations at the Chipeta Lodge, we will be having our classes at the Spa or in the Kiva. Renovations are expected to be over by March, so we’ll be moving everything back to the Kiva after that. Signs will be put up at the location to minimize confusion. Thank you for your understanding and patience around this.

From Sherman Street: Turn onto South Lena Street by Mountain Market. Go to the end of the road, take a LEFT onto Chipeta Drive. With Chipeta Lodge on your LEFT side, park in the center parking lot. Walk straight ahead through the arched entrance toward the Four Corners Resturant, hold an immediate LEFT up the stairs. With the pool on your LEFT, the Kiva is on your RIGHT.

Welcome! Please enter with your phone turned off and with deep respect for all other practitioners.

class descriptions


Traditional style Ashtanga Yoga. All levels are welcome. No previous experience needed. Come practice as often as you want + at any time during the allotted practice hours. If you are new to the practice come in the earlier part of the session and Hansa will get you up to speed with the Ashtanga practice protocol and support you with your practice. These sessions provide the opportunity to cultivate a deeply enriched self-practice, where we naturally start taking responsibility for how we show up for ourselves, the practice, and ultimately, in life. Here we cultivate “abhyāsa” - tending to our practice, over a long period of time, consistently, and with purity of heart. Together we hold sacred space for each other to explore the beautiful depth of the practice.


Ideally you will have attended a few of the Mysore Style classes before joining a Led Primary Series class. The reasoning for this is multifold. The Led Primary Series class will be paced according to the traditional Sanskrit count and will leave less room for customized practice. Before joining a Led Primary Series class, please reach out to Hansa to see if this is suitable for you ( The Led Primary Series class will start at 5:30pm (please respect the starting time).


Once per month, we'll meet for meditation and a yoga philosophy conversation, covering various topics - all with the intention of integrating the deeper aspects of yoga into our everyday life. Dress comfortably, bring an open heart and curious mind. These sessions will be highlighting topics from the perspective of multiple wisdom traditions, including (but not limited to) Buddhism, Ashtanga Yoga, Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism.

To learn more about Ashtanga -
please read this.
If you have questions, please email us (

These sessions are held in person and WILL NOT be recorded. If you don’t live in Ridgway but want to join the practice at the same time from afar, we’re together in spirit!

The monthly meditation and philosophy session WILL be recorded and through a monthly membership you can get access to all the voice recordings. Ask Hansa for more info.


Donation-based drop-in
Suggested donation $15-20
Higher donations pay it forward for others to join

Venmo @thirdeyevisionaries / Cash / Check


More info HERE - Feel free to pull the images with the chants off the website for easy access and practice. Links to videos to follow along with are also provided.


Hansa has her heart in nature and deep silence. Her personal sadhana (spiritual practice) is to embody yogic values and living a sattvic, conscious, sustainable and simple life. She serves the greater community by showing up for others on the path, in a myriad of ways. VICHARA is one of the means of doing so, through privates, group sessions, immersions and workshops. Her prayer beads, NO MIND MALA, is another way she provides support.

She practices Ashtanga yoga, studies yogic philosophy at depth, and shares the perspectives of Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism. She has nurtured a steady sadhana for the last 19 years and has been teaching in Ridgway since 2010. Her deep dive into a daily asana practice started in the Sivananda lineage, then the Satyananda lineage, which eventually lead her to the Ashtanga method.

She lives in Ridgway, Colorado, with her husband Jyoti and husky Satya.


Self-practice with individualized supervision and guidance. Everyone works at their own pace and at their prescribed version of the Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa; Yoga Therapy). Your practice is as short or long as is appropriate for you. We all share the space and show up for our own deep dive into presence with ourselves. Do not compare yourself to your neighbor, or previous versions of yourself.

MYSORE STYLE: Do I have to practice for 2 full hours in the Mysore Style classes? No. You can show up whenever you want within the 2-hour time slot to do your practice. If you are a beginner, please see below.

GUIDED PRIMARY SERIES: The Led Primary Series class will start at 5:30pm (please respect the starting time). We may not need the full 2 hrs for the practice, but have scheduled the extra time for questions that may arise.

Start with a Mysore Style class so you can get familiar with, and find your own way into, the sequence. Come early to get introduced to the Ashtanga yoga system and for us to build your practice over time.

Donation-based drop-in. Suggested donation $15-20.

Together we hold a quiet nurturing space full of reverence. We show up non-competitive (this is not a place where we focus on performance) and eager to connect with body, mind, breath and spirit. We are attentive, receptive, humble and respectful.

If you’ve paused your practice, welcome back! Please take this as an opportunity to reset your intention and GO SLOW as you move towards regularity and increased intensity in your practice. Please please please work gradually (over time) and DO NOT compare yourself to what you used to do. Drop any expectations you may have on yourself or the practice, and be fully receptive to what the practice wants to teach you. BE HERE NOW please and thank you.



  • Bring your own mat

  • Bring layers for savasana

  • Be respectful of other practitioners’ personal choices and space

  • Do not attend class if you are symptomatic, had contact with a person who is symptomatic, have a pending test or have any other reason to believe you may be at risk of transmitting COVID-19.


  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting, and/or diarrhea