VICHARA inspiration

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Connection with Spirit

the sacred, the raw and the real

With this blog, we will focus on the sacred, the raw and the real. We will focus on what is at the core of any spiritual tradition : Connection with Spirit. We will dive into the juicy questions around how to navigate the spiritual terrain, obstacles, motivation, energy, identity, philosophy, the changing nature of life and practice, and so much more. With this, we hope to inspire deep contemplation, as we wish for this platform to feed the inner journey.

This serves as a platform for honest conversations with people on the path - no matter their cultural background, spiritual lineage, practices or spiritual beliefs. We honor diversity and find it fascinating to look at the common threads among the many paths and traditions. Our focus will remain what is at the core : Connection with Spirit.

We will dive into the juicy questions around how to navigate the spiritual terrain, obstacles, motivation, energy, identity, philosophy, the changing nature of life and practice, and so much more. We will keep it raw and real in our conversations about the most sublime and sacred.

There is a fine line between adding to the narrative of someone’s story, and to learn from someone else’s insights. This particular blog is nurtured as a sacred space held for people willing to open up and share glimpses of their inner journey - what has been helpful for them and what may inspire others on the path.