VICHARA inspiration

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Do you always have motivation to do your practice?

Absolutely not. But the moment there is resistance, I know that there is something to learn, something to see. The practice serves as a mirror, whether we want it to or not, and to really look straight into that mirror means to face ourselves even on days we don’t really want to. Usually during the days where there may be initial hesitation or resistance, those can become the most intimate days of practice where it benefits you the most. On such a day, and on any day really, I try not to have an agenda. I start with one sun salutation and go from there. Usually those days, at least for me, lends for a slower practice, a more tentative practice, to make sure I am listening fully, being completely attentive. Those days are most often not about the physical, yet they can be if physical sensations arise to hint at something deeper. The days of resistance often asks me to look beyond the physical. And to be completely honest with myself. There may be something I have overlooked in the days leading up to it, or just a wave of emotion that needs me to actively hold space for it to move through. No matter what, the days that hold little motivation are still valuable. They will tell you a lot - often a lot more than a day when everything just seem to be flowing smoothly. In my world there are no good days or bad days, no good practices or bad practices, they all point towards different aspects of the divine nature. I try not to hold judgement around it at all. The judgement just clouds the vision of what is really being shared with you. The gift of seeing is too precious to be vailed by judgement. I am just here to listen in and to hold space for it all. The question was if I sometimes wake up with absolutely no motivation to do my practice. Absolutely. More often than not sometimes. It all goes in phases, it ebbs and flows, like the rest of life. That’s why I practice. There are always new depths to explore.